Case study

Measured Group – Complete Brand Overhaul

“We need help to come across as the large, innovative group of global specialists we’ve become.”

CLIENT Measured Group INDUSTRY Mining / Geology / Mineral Resources SERVICES Brand Workshop
Brand Strategy
Website Design
Web Development
PROJECT Brand Evolution + Logo + Strapline + Website + Custom Photography + Capability Brochure + Signage + Templates + Stationery + Collateral

Measured Group’s story is one we hear from clients all the time: the business had outgrown their original website and branding. Sound familiar?

Measured had created a DIY website when their business was just starting up, and their logo was stylish but left people guessing about what the company does. As Measured had experienced significant growth over more than 10 years, they were now competing with the “big guys” in their industry … but their branding was holding them back.

We knew just how to help Measured Group stand out, be heard and grow.

CLIENT Measured Group INDUSTRY Mining / Geology / Mineral Resources SERVICES Brand Workshop
Brand Strategy
Website Design
Web Development
PROJECT Brand Evolution + Logo + Strapline + Website + Custom Photography + Capability Brochure + Signage + Templates + Stationery + Collateral

Measured Group is a mining and resources consultancy who offer a diverse range of expert services to mining companies – from reporting and advice to technological geological services, tenement management and more. They have projects in 40 countries around the world.

When they started out 16 years ago, Measured quickly threw together a website and a little later had a logo designed for them. Over the years, the company grew from 6 staff to more than 60 … but their branding didn’t evolve with them. And, because of this, the business was giving the impression that they were small, inexperienced, outdated and inside-the-box-thinkers, when in reality Measured Group was the opposite of all these qualities.

We sat down with two of the business’ founders – Toby and James – who told us that they felt their business had a credibility problem. Their staff were proven experts and the services they offered were top notch: the proof of this was found in the fact that every single Measured Group client had become a repeat client. But Measured Group were having trouble getting their reports rubber stamped by banks and other professionals without a long enquiry process and they weren’t winning as many bids as their skills deserved. Few people had heard of them, and they knew their website and branding were likely the main reasons for these issues.

We knew just how to help.


This rebranding exercise wasn't just about 'appearing more professional', Lovehate Design+Brand also made our business communications more clear, engaging and memorable. And, as a result, our business and its staff became even more professional.

When we came to Lovehate, we felt like we were still finding ourselves. We'd started out as amateurs, and then as we gained experience over the years our business grew and expanded with minimal time or budget allocated to growing our branding. We had assembled a team of experts who all had a positive reputation with clients/the industry, but this wasn't being linked to our company to create the reputation it deserved.

We knew we came to Lovehate seeking to appear more professional (especially on our website). But we were surprised by how much Lovehate Design+Brand's process helped us to identify and communicate our company's strengths and breadth of experience and better define our products and services. And to use this information to better talk to / engage with our clients, banks, and more.

Toby Prior – Director / Principal Geologist Measured Group

Our discovery process included a tailored brand workshop so we could dig deep and find out more about Measured Group, their competitors, their target audience and more.

And, along the way, we defined some goals for the Measured Group’s brand strategy. The brand was seeking:

  • more credibility in the eyes of their clients and the banks who approve financing for their clients’ projects
  • more recognition as experts in their field so their business can benefit from the sense of authority and trust that follows
  • more memorability 
  • more and clearer communication to succinctly define what they offer in a way that is appealing to their potential clients
  • more clients (we haven’t met a client yet who doesn’t have this as a goal!)
  • more perceived brand value by converting the individual reputations that the expert individuals who work at Measured Group have earned to the greater brand.

Read on to find out how we achieved all of these goals.

The company was originally just called ‘Measured’.

Their logo marque M was beautiful … but from the logo alone, there was no way to know what industry they worked in. 

What are they measuring? Are they a tailor? A manufacturer of tape measures?

And for that reason – while the logo was stylish – it wasn’t memorable or informative enough.

We subtly evolved the logo (instead of a complete redesign) to preserve the brand recognition they’d earned over the years.

But we made sure their logo worked a lot harder for the brand.

We cleared up the confusion and communicated SO much more about the company by:

  • adding “Group” to their name – and making the name more prominent – to better represent how large the company had become
  • conceiving their strapline “MORE FROM YOUR MINE”, to instantly position Measured Group in their industry and confidently claim they deliver something every client wants (more!)
  • refining the curves of the topographic M and thickening the strokes to increase printing legibility, and
  • upgrading the typeface to Gotham and creating a typographic hierarchy for a more professional, clean impression.

With our new strapline 'MORE FROM YOUR MINE', Lovehate Design+Brand succinctly summed us up.

They summed up what we offer ... how we're different ... the benefits of working with us. Anyone unfamiliar with our company and team can now recognise that with Measured Group you'll get more from your data and more from the ground.

Our strapline even identifies the industry we're in and who our potential clients are. That was a truly great thing for our business and has resulted in the greater memorability and impression we need with other professionals in our industry. The strapline is excellent.

Toby Prior – Director / Principal Geologist Measured Group

We further evolved the Measured Group brand by leaving behind the black and gold styling of their original website and collateral and instead designing clean, minimal layouts

either against crisp white or reversed out of close up mineral photos (particularly the strata hero image which references the contour lines of the Measured M).


We're really proud of our website, capability brochures, posters and collateral that Lovehate Design+Brand created.

We work with asset management companies and both work with and compete with the big guns in the industry, and now we can stand alongside them and not feel like our branding or the impression our company makes is inferior. And those guys spend a LOT on their branding and marketing.

Toby Prior – Director / Principal Geologist Measured Group

We all know one of the first things people will do when they hear about your business or are contemplating working with you is to do a quick Google and check out your website. 

And for the Measured Group,  their website needed to function not so much as a lead generator but rather as a demonstration of expertise and reassurance to potential customers investigating Measured Group after hearing of them or talking to one of their representatives.

We created a snapshot “elevator” pitch to define the company and some quick stats to show their expertise and global reach, succinctly defined each of the services Measured Group offers their clients – greatly increasing how informative the site is. The new content also defined their mission and values, and introduced key staff who act as the various “faces” or ambassadors for the company and its brand.

And we ensured that – rather than just talking about the business – every word was designed to talk to the reader, to engage and appeal and demonstrate that Measured Group had the answers to their problems.

The initial slider on the home page of the new site begins this conversation by quickly addressing the main pain points we identified as important to Measured Group’s customers by declaring that working with the Measured Group will:

  • Unearth More Value
  • Improve Productivity, and
  • Derisk Operations.

We also sent in our talented photographer

to the Measured Group office to gather not only professional, appealing headshots but also authentic photos of the staff at work.

We combined all these factors together …

all we’d learned about the business, the brand strategy we built for them, the tone of voice, look and feel and key copy we’d created for the Measured Group brand 

into a quality Capability Brochure.

A striking, effective, informative piece of collateral that can act like a salesperson or informative brand rep that stays with their clients long after they’ve met. This premium brochure projects the sense that Measured Group are leaders in their field, trusted collaborators who will go above and beyond to see that their clients will get more from their mine, every time.

Lovehate Design+Brand's own strapline "Stand out. Be Heard. Grow." is a great strapline because it's true. It's a lot easier for us to expand now we've worked with Lovehate.

They helped us find how we wanted to present ourselves. They collaborated with us, questioned us and listened to us, but they also nudged us sternly in a few places. And that's what we needed, and we appreciated the fact that they would challenge us on some key branding changes. They'd say "you really need to consider this" when we weren't on board for something. Take for example the use of 'Measured Group' in place of just 'Measured'. Being 'Measured Group' is part of why we now give the accurate impression of being a large company, but we were attached to how we used to talk about ourselves as just 'Measured'. We needed to let that go.

With our rebrand, our strapline, our website and more, Lovehate's branding work has brought us what their own strapline promises: we now stand out, more people recognise us, listen to us and trust our company and our services, and we're growing even more. It was a rapid evolution with Lovehate.

Toby Prior – Director / Principal Geologist Measured Group

We’ve gone on to write and design so much more for the Measured Group brand over the past couple of years.

Here are a just a few examples:

  • A building signage project that led to a new tender in a matter of weeks!
  • More coming soon!

Ready to grow your brand?